Worldwide Shipping
Shipping cost 8 USDFREE Worldwide Shipping for accessories over 100 USD
Accepted payment methods:
- Pay with PayPal
Processing Time
Most of items ship 1 to 3 business days unless specified in the product details.We ship orders by Russian Post. Every item is assigned a tracking number to trace the shipment location.
Approximate shipping time:
- USA: 10-20 days
- Europe: 7-20 days
- Rest of World: 14-30 days
Customs and duties fees
Buyers are responsible for any customs or duties fees that may apply. Usually there's no any charges for small parcel. Sellers aren't responsible for delays due to customs.Loss item
If after 50 days from date of shipment, you didn't receive your order, please will visit your post office. Maybe parcel is already there. This is 99% of cases. Some track numbers of parcels may change in the customs in your country. In this case, parcels will not be monitored by the track-number, which we gave. If your package is not in your post office, please contact us.Please note that we cann't be held responsible for packages lost or damage to the goods in transit by mail carriers AFTER they are shipped out by me and are handled by a mailing service.
We will however do our best in assisting the customer to locate the goods by providing necessary documentation and or tracking info.
Any questions -> | Whatsapp Chat +78122222030